E Minor Guitar Chord Lesson for Beginners
The E Minor Chord (also known as Em) is found by locating the 1, b3 and 5 steps of the E Major Scale: E, F#, G#, A, B, C#, and D#, or the notes E, G and B. The “b3” symbol translates to “Flattened 3rd” , which means we simply lower the 3rd step of the E Major Scale (G#) a 1/2 step to an “G”. The E Minor Chord is one of the easiest chords you will ever learn to play and also one of the most beautiful sounding ones.
E Minor Chord notes: E G B
Here is a key that will help you read the chart:

Just like all other chords, make certain that you are pushing your fingers down firmly on the strings. Play each string one at a time to see if the strings are producing a clean sound.